Private Medical Insurance >>
on recent al Qaeda attack on all gas facility and subsequent %ah
area represent some of the extreme dangers oil and gas workers face 365
days a year
night and storm but again turning natural gas facility near in Amenas with
dozens of people killed
tragically when Algerian military forces stormed the facility
more fatalities were caused this dramatic hostage siege has prompted
reaction by olive oil and gas companies in the region
prompting some to review the situation and consider safer areas of operation
but for those companies and workers who face these risks
how can the oil and gas companies manage centrist and protect their personnel
man no contact info senior petroleum upstream analyst with the Center for
Global Energy Studies CGS in London

told New Europe the oil companies operating internationally are well
custom to these risks and problems
the oil and gas industry have always faced a myriad of risks relating to
field operations and assets security and protection
especially when exploration and production is located in areas of civil
unrest or conflict
on changes in regulations have increased the cost of compliance
following incidents like the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf
of Mexico
tighter health safety and environmental requirements are requiring larger
investments by the industry in order to comply
and to fully protect their workforce from a host of concerns
general web site safety is one of the most common risks
and day-to-day management is imperative so personnel are fully educated and
trained to minimize accidents
pipeline blasts are also common occurrence domestic and commercial level
just two days ago major media reported on identified attackers blew up Yemen's
main oil pipeline
forcing the country to shut down one of its most lucrative sources of income
throughout 2011 Yemen's oil and gas pipelines were repeatedly sabotaged by
insurgents and tribesmen since anti-government protests created a power
vacuum in 2011
causing fuel shortages and slashing export earnings for the impoverished
on the domestic front December 11th 2012 a fireball has seen across Interstate 77
inches Sissonville
West Virginia USA as a natural gas pipeline exploded in flames near
blowouts oil spills and personal injuries are some %uh the operational
hazards faced by oil and gas workers every day
in 2013 the industry is investing heavily in health and safety precautions
to ensure it doesn't happen again natural disasters and adverse weather
conditions from Arctic seas to hurricanes also pose great risks as we
drill in deep water
protecting and caring for the mobile and specialist workforce is a pivotal
Sigma global health benefits not is one company recognizing the importance of
care for specialist remote and mobile workers
in harsh and dangerous locations
oil and gas HR assets can now secure added peace of mind with signals new

international private medical insurance energy plans designed specifically for
the oil and gas market
members can select from three levels of cover including core
advanced and ultra I
members may also select geographical coverage including worldwide or country
by country cover
excluding the USA and providing coverage for chronic conditions as standard and
pre-existing conditions
for group with more than 10 employees the new IPMI plans cover remote
emergency evacuation services to work hand in hand with oil and gas companies
offshore facilities
Private Medical Insurance - Managing Risk and HR Healthcare in the Oil and Gas Industry

Private Private Medical Insurance - Managing Risk and HR Healthcare in the Oil and Gas Industry By Private Private Published: 2014-09-22T08:50:00-07:00 By Private: Private Medical Insurance - Managing Risk and HR Healthcare in the Oil and Gas Industry Private Published: 2014-09-22T08:50:00-07:00 Private Medical Insurance - Managing Risk and HR Healthcare in the Oil and Gas Industry 5 99909 reviewer
Title : Private Medical Insurance - Managing Risk and HR Healthcare in the Oil and Gas Industry
Description : Private Medical Insurance >> on recent al Qaeda attack on all gas facility and subsequent %ah area re...
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