Private Medical Insurance >>
on recent al Qaeda attack on all gas facility and subsequent %ah
area represent some of the extreme dangers oil and gas workers face 365
days a year
night and storm but again turning natural gas facility near in Amenas with
dozens of people killed
tragically when Algerian military forces stormed the facility
more fatalities were caused this dramatic hostage siege has prompted
reaction by olive oil and gas companies in the region
prompting some to review the situation and consider safer areas of operation
but for those companies and workers who face these risks
how can the oil and gas companies manage centrist and protect their personnel
man no contact info senior petroleum upstream analyst with the Center for
Global Energy Studies CGS in London
told New Europe the oil companies operating internationally are well
custom to these risks and problems
the oil and gas industry have always faced a myriad of risks relating to
field operations and assets security and protection
especially when exploration and production is located in areas of civil
unrest or conflict
on changes in regulations have increased the cost of compliance
following incidents like the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf
of Mexico
tighter health safety and environmental requirements are requiring larger
investments by the industry in order to comply
and to fully protect their workforce from a host of concerns
general web site safety is one of the most common risks
and day-to-day management is imperative so personnel are fully educated and
trained to minimize accidents
pipeline blasts are also common occurrence domestic and commercial level
just two days ago major media reported on identified attackers blew up Yemen's
main oil pipeline
forcing the country to shut down one of its most lucrative sources of income
throughout 2011 Yemen's oil and gas pipelines were repeatedly sabotaged by
insurgents and tribesmen since anti-government protests created a power
vacuum in 2011
causing fuel shortages and slashing export earnings for the impoverished
on the domestic front December 11th 2012 a fireball has seen across Interstate 77
inches Sissonville
West Virginia USA as a natural gas pipeline exploded in flames near
blowouts oil spills and personal injuries are some %uh the operational
hazards faced by oil and gas workers every day
in 2013 the industry is investing heavily in health and safety precautions
to ensure it doesn't happen again natural disasters and adverse weather
conditions from Arctic seas to hurricanes also pose great risks as we
drill in deep water
protecting and caring for the mobile and specialist workforce is a pivotal
Sigma global health benefits not is one company recognizing the importance of
care for specialist remote and mobile workers
in harsh and dangerous locations
oil and gas HR assets can now secure added peace of mind with signals new
international private medical insurance energy plans designed specifically for
the oil and gas market
members can select from three levels of cover including core
advanced and ultra I
members may also select geographical coverage including worldwide or country
by country cover
excluding the USA and providing coverage for chronic conditions as standard and
pre-existing conditions
for group with more than 10 employees the new IPMI plans cover remote
emergency evacuation services to work hand in hand with oil and gas companies
offshore facilities
Private Medical Insurance - Managing Risk and HR Healthcare in the Oil and Gas Industry
Private Medical Insurance - Managing Risk and HR Healthcare in the Oil and Gas Industry
Description : Private Medical Insurance >> on recent al Qaeda attack on all gas facility and subsequent %ah area re...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Info > Private Health Insurance Cambodia
if you live in cambodia or going to work there
but you're very lucky it's a beautiful country and a very exciting place to be
but you do need to be careful about your health insurance
the reason is that if you have a cuts or a cold or a cough
then the local health care facilities are going to be fine but
if you have a more serious situation so more serious illness
or perhaps an excellent that's a car accident then
you gonna want to be treated probably in Thailand
or be evacuated to a country like hong kong as such it's very important to your
health insurance
is able to do this for you not all health insurance plans
automatically include evacuation standard health insurance plan
would happen inpatient component which would cover you in hospital
it with Anna allow you to add-on different modules
so for example after you've taken the core inpatient plant
then you can add on outpatient module which would cover
GP's or medication or diagnostic testing
you can then on on things like maternity or dental
if they're important to you so if you're thinking of starting a family
you must take the maternity option and finally
there's a thing called evacuation and repatriation book
all insurers include this is a standard so if you are living in Cambodia
we're going to work back it's important you have a health insurance plan
that we'll have the evacuation component there are lots of insurers
international insurers that will offer this option
big brand names such as beeper or axo or
I leone's DKV at Mystic now lots not so big insurers
not all of them automatically include the evacuation option
our job as an insurance intermediary is to help you find the right plan so
what we would do spend a little bit I'm with you understanding your needs
understanding what's important to you and then we would go why
and surveyed the market and find the right ensure on the right plan
we would typically narrow it down to a few options which in discussion with you
we would that help you find the right option
so if you're going to live and work in cambodia
that's very exciting but make sure you have the right health insurance coverage
and if you need help with that please come talk to us
Private Health Insurance Cambodia
Description : Info > Private Health Insurance Cambodia if you live in cambodia or going to work there but you're v...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
info : > Private Health Insurance
so let's talk about private health insurance and I find the one of the
easiest ways to understand it
is to go ahead and take a little bit about historical you
let's go back almost a hundred years but sometime
before that nineteen twenties and before the nineteen twenty months
there is a group adopters they got together and they started tuning
say what looked we want people to be able to get to us
let me care and so what we're gonna do you
is we're gonna go ahead and offer essentially like them membership bar
so will have us possible asians
out there and think and go ahead
and send us CA small regular subscription
the so I'll send us money and then for that small see
Phyllis sensually have a subscription almost like a host club membership or
something along those lines
within your services they'll be able to get it when the
this is one the earlier attempts what's caught risks
cooling between people to make sure that they were protected
against a larger extent need to see the doctor at some points
then in the nineteen thirties
this there wasn't interesting twist so there were
again a group of workers in fact there were teachers networking
outside Dallas Texas and their school
on their behalf said look we really like our workers we want to take
good here of our teachers state across school building here
her little a tower near maybe clock
and that's cool said we are going to me
Gushi causes the hacker March teachers so we already pay our teachers
wages what we want to do is to offer them this new
benefit so Rs school system is gonna go ahead
and also hey you this
Center actually when you're Taylor hi
near Dallas Texas and we are going to
in addition to offering wages and salary
also gonna bite them health insurance those exit times roughly about six
a penny which got their teachers that right about 20 days in the hospital
the this is probably won't. earliest examples
what is today called in claw your all
sponsored sure sir the
s hi which his really
the car that dominant waded many people United States get
orchards and in fact this system about getting
all a group I'll and
workers together through their employer later became that basis it wants to the
Blue Cross she
however that's two lists really help us understand what that was it
that's it interesting I D that those in warriors that school was getting
insurance to their teachers but how is it that that's how
most Americans get health insurance so understand that we have to go to that
words and as you're probably aware 1946 when
the United States was in Grotal World War two
and because if that seems war effort that was it time
rationing it was not really widespread
access to all goods and services that people wanted
and were the things that government did it that time was thinkin Institute
very I tight system we each control
school in other words if you were a business owner
I'll hi you could not really offer
or increase it matter we just keep each workers and this is sort of a way to
economy by federal government despite the inclusion a little bit
on if you really want it grew workers you want better workers
you were allowed to offer more money so how'd you get so what the it was the
start to offer
strange benefits so yeah
you could offer more money but hey maybe we can offer workers other goodies
like watched and backed it turned out the biggest grin you all
you guessed it was health insurance so what happened in the nineteen forties
employers started to compete for better employees
the store these benefits it based are
quality and the quantity health insurance that they offer
so this got to be very popular way to recruit workers
but there was one other thing that happened which really kind
accelerated strand and that happen really pretty much in nineteen
Inc or and its unclear today whether the federal government
even realized what was happening but they made a decision
they said those fringe benefits that me to that health insurance
tell you what if you buy your or use health insurance
that is gonna be considered a tax
sry a benefit for that
in other words think about it this way let's say you hacked
%uh in pool whilst so you gave that employees hundred dollars
for work that they did well their take-home pay
is going to be less than a hundred dollars because they have to pay taxes
so even though the earned a hundred dollars what they're gonna take her was
on getting you got
ito snout let's look into how's this look
if you got health insurance that was
tax-free suppose that seeing worker heard a hundred dollars
and it because this was used to buy
employer-sponsored insurance occurs at hundred dollars
that entire hundred dollars was
value to the employees because they got a hundred dollars for
outage you happy any tax that so look at that comparison
you can see that economist
government said that these benefits would be taxed
re that was essentially wait for dante
you workers extra money that was not
tax was essentially a subsidy that the federal government
he for purchase health insurance starting in nineteen
the or and that continues to this day
this series the Excel arena switch to you
employer-sponsored insurance by
and 1960s while
almost three-quarters 75 percent
american workers were getting employer-sponsored health insurance
because it really easy you know should be great and that
even to this day the majority of Americans get health insurance
through their employer written agreements
let's talk a little bit now about what does that private health insurers
action look like so this ten few minutes now
describing general structure I'll private
sure it's while employer-sponsored
insurance generally takes wanna to force
the first is called the who or
certs some tend to agree it is
s at s in this is a type but what is called
in dan needle well
the other broad find private insurance
is referred to as managed here or
you all talk about what each in the skies health insurance are
in for shirts what happens is that you may see
a doctor
for a health care provider sometime and then health care providers is OK when
we're going to do an xray so that's gonna cost money Senate bill
they were going to do an operation that's going to school in the Senate
bill for that
maybe we are doing all so other
test this city built for that and they generate all these bills
these stills kits sent to your sure
and your insurer then goes and benches
pays that money now so they said that back to you
any got here for each these
or bill Center centel all
and that is what's called your shirts so pretty simple
in concept jazz/nu you got to seize you they perform a service
he said the bill thing pain that ox
turns out this year's many problems at this
tight up arrangement this first you can imagine
is that if you're unsure just pays whatever bill
get they get sent think about what the health care system and you
so say hey was sent bills are a lot of money
know he's checking they're just paying whatever we charge
so this is a set up for very high
health care costs so
if you had Ieper servicer indemnity system
there's a tendency for the health care system start charging hi
crisis because know you gotta pay cell
the screen and so the cost may go higher higher over time
the second problem is that because
you might see different doctors are all sending different bills
they're all getting paid that type but here at you get
me very fragmented hope your doctors your health care
providers meet up talk to each other know it's senator them to talk to each
and as a result quality hearing yet
may not be as good
the next thing that the third proper
with eat for services that overtime
as those fees go up you
increasingly have to patients
happy hey more soon at risk cost
shearing increases overtime
so cream use me go I'll York lawyers have to pay more and more
and overtime what that does that money comes
how did your wages sue your wages every tendency to be
even who lower over time you purchase the
ward where that money is going into paper your health care
so those are problems with that need research assistant
and it's actually led is to become much less popular
in fact its est me that if you wouldn't I percent are
all people who work private health insurers are
pure the sure is tightly its instead
is really been the rise what's called managed
here and bench here as couple
court futures so what happens is it when
package here your insurers happening actually
creamy he who they find in Google doctors
and hospitals and they make a contract with them
we'll see we'll hang you should arrange that we're gonna penny
if new one in get access to the patients were gonna send
you have to agree to this demand schedule
subway and so that should reverse assorted
me checkpoint cost that will be charged in addition they might say will
we might even had disease management grew
school because we manage people's
here from re don't want them to get sicker because the
seeker they get that wasn't hostess we're gonna have all these programs to
make sure that
you get better here yet diabetes asthma heart
E disease estimate mitigate the risks
or hopefully cost is less money gonna managed people's
hell little bit more hooks on what we might do
is we want to keep those costs low so some who were doctor struck to charge
more money
we're gonna start shearing doctors in other words we're gonna change that cool
its so if you go to a high
cost doctor you may have to pay a higher deductible
him if you go to a lower cost doctor
then you might have to pay a lower deductible so what they do is they
what doctor sheep goats you and the are much more aggressive and making sure the
patients at lower cost there's as a result with the
you then is the also have very specific networks
or groups have doctors much like me per
her doctors what to so in this way
many insurers try and eggs sure
a little bit more control all the bills it repeats said
and how much those insurance well spay
and most people today now the steps that manage
here programs Private Health Insurance
Description : info : > Private Health Insurance so let's talk about private health insurance and I find the one o...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Info And Tips The benefits of private medical insurance
i guess i I haven't really appreciated the seriousness of my
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when you more a member of your family for sale you want to feel in control
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in our network and you can choose your own appointment time
why wait longer than you have to and if you need to stay in hospital
you usually be given them on sweet room with unrestricted visiting hours
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but you enjoy delicious food and that mean a tease such as free WiFi
and the TV
amazing absolutely amazing in a private hospital it was
it was like a five star hotel with medical treatment attached to its
everybody was was friendly fission
concerned for your well-being by wanted to see one of the top cardiologists in
the country
the place I want to go to at the time I wanted it done
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you know it was a worrying time and they made it
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tailored and affordable said choosing
exit PPP healthcare as your health care insurance provider
could be the best decision you make today The benefits of private medical insurance
Description : Info And Tips The benefits of private medical insurance i guess i I haven't really appreciated the seri...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Info about How are private student loans legal
would start out by saying houses possible on or not the only one
india and stressed out now so i got his beard
so i'm just curious who else is feeling the impact both sunday your student
i went to college two thousand three window my four-year degree
n got out of school
was working for about a year and then decided i want to become a teacher you
know too good for society and get back to the next generation will
when governor masters spend friday no teacher the teaching degree is going to
using the high demand for it so why not
dumbass risk was to chip right here and a half bottle by the wayside may in the
back of my neck in on the back
my back pocket
ever since coming to a paycheck behold per paycheck goes that pay my student
and don't give me argument of
or will you tell us tonight you'll be responsible for it
yeah i was eighteen years old you know what i a decide i want to go to college
you know what was that a bad thing
and not everybody has the same opportunities as other people do so
ive always heard that argument of uric
you're responsible of telephones and so now you got to pay it back
when i went to court doesn't thirty
no one thought that jobs around the issue and far between
so now that i'm out of college and i'm not the only person
were struggling to find jobs
you know the saying goes that any other opportunities the moral duties from your
but if you don't have the opportunities you had uh... work your way up
and you got a struggle
just leaving
how to save up to these other people do
so i just got my hair
student loan statement for this month
seventeen hundred dollars
ridiculous on the cream or interest thing
that this is ridiculous
and i said i know i'm not going for citizens vote
if you have any stories the you know if you just one of and if you wanna just
let other people know how to within what situation you're in
has once again open form i want this to be a place where people can just see how
they feel about selling a
virulence registrable general
and i know people are gonna
behaved non people have the student loans but you know what so be it
the people who have the student loans entertainers that in the stress
you know i'm talking about pain
just seriously feel free to contact me via video
let me know how you guys feel because just has to come to an end
you know
this should be legal
is ridiculous how
student loans in general are ridiculous you know i know that obama is trying to
work is
magic try to help out the student loan
deaths you know that that that's
debt incurred bullet all tell you what it
federal loans are one thing
problems are completely different t and
as it stands right now
you can do whatever you want the federal loans but what about us jeewa private
some people don't have the opportunity to get federal loans and they're going
because they had to do private loans
you know you don't last not go to college
or not have the opportunity to
goat for secondary option
by it
you know if you have the uproar
prior along that the other problem
butler said
think this is a crew our loans the payments are required to do listening to
what i call sallie mae knight cuz i have some federal loans
not talk to them on federal loans
every must find a new they're willing to put me in the for me for brings they're
willing to work with me
when it comes up right along
not because they are modern they demanded a role it's you know you have
people are category got people calling your phone
and it's almost like dave
banging on the haunted them the president down the sense that
you know it's their money you did take out the money
there has to be some u_n_ i mean
seventeen hundred dollars a month which i'm not
been required to pay
that's ridiculous
you know i i have friends who graduate college with
far less debt than me
and i'd look at their student loan payment i just laughed because
they're acting as if it's a struggle for them to pay that amount
but then i look at my system on him and i just think to myself you have no idea
yellow grandpa i might be post more radios talking about more but
as long as you're more of your guys is employed
your stories comments
you know undocumented bitch and complain sehgal
you know
you draw the lines i guess i've heard that are even before so
if that's what you want to say that so you want to say but it
and world report of the people who
uh... have their own selling their stories the horror stories
saving in general read comments post videos
share this video
you know i'm gonna be a building up the seller channels must like him
as one of bring attention to private loans
because when people say student loans
they really needed to buy down into two categories federal and private loans
right now
the opportunities are there for a long time you to me is a teacher
you know the loan forgiveness if you teach yellow low-income
school for example alternate later you go teach for america riadi idea
no such user there for federal loans they're not here for problems in
consolidation people so you know one of these console your loans
no bank
wells fargo does that tell us how much i think it's like ninety thousand dollars
but no bank once to take that risk and so nobody's going to celebrate your
and as of right now a federal loans for
you convince all day for
but for the people onion right now
uh... all the sort out there
i'm well aware that a hundred thousand dollar mark from a student loans
and at this point someone loans that i took out
i actually occurred more interest
then the loans themselves were when i took them out
and i can't
i can reduce the interest rate because their private loans
you know there's so many
there's so many other
modalities i could take if they're a federal loans to loan interest rate
work out a payment plan the once again
because their private loans i don't have the flexibility
if you don't believe in telephone from sunday
try calling up to try to work with them i'll tell you what you quoted saying
this but the way if you have a a federal
mimi comments let me know if what you think and uh...
i look forward to it
How are private student loans legal
Description : Info about How are private student loans legal would start out by saying houses possible on or not the only one india and stressed out now ...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Consolidate My Student Loans | What the banks don't want you to know!
'Consolidate My Student Loans - What the banks don't want you to know at dat is something that has in many ways become a constant in america the buy now pay for it later mentality our government has $14 trillion dollars for the debt not only keeps on growing credit card debt I think we've all been there but now student loan debt is becoming a one of the biggest problems for young americans in fact for the first time last year student loan debt outpaced credit card debt and according to The New York Times it's likely to top a trillion dollars this year the complications are a mess this comes at a time when state budgets are being slashed when tuitions going up and Pell grants are in the middle of the budget debate on capitol hill but connie is in recession unemployment is high and now an entire generation have to ask themselves whether it's worth living the rest of their lives in debt just to get a degree earlier from our studio in los angeles I caught up with Ana Kasparian host up tyte University now by the way the Young Turks regular show they've been nominated for a Webby so we want to send our congratulations a back to this topic I first asked Anna tell me what college students have been saying about this on the Young Turks tyte University show yeah what you're hearing and not just in the United States but also in the UK is that students are not only outraged by it they're frustrated and they feel discouraged they feel like you know education is no longer an investment because they're hearing all the stories about how tuition is increasing they're taking out these loans at the same time they're getting less for their money because the fact that all these universities are cutting programs due to budget cuts and by the time they graduate they entered this job market that is terrible they're not able to find work and they're left with these massive loans and you know it the New York Times just reported that the average college student graduates with twenty four thousand dollars in student loan debt and it's twenty four thousand dollars is actually a very small amount when you consider some other students actually the majority of students who graduate with almost a hundred thousand dollars in debt so a lot of students are now saying that they don't even want to think about getting I a graduate degree because they have so much debt by the time they get their undergraduate there that they don't feel like its and investment they're willing to make they don't feel like it's worth it it's very depressing tale while the statistics at the New York Times no date or not statistics but just piece of information is that a lot of these people are still going to be paying off their own a student loans I when they're ready to send their own kids off to college so it's something that's going to keep blasting that's so depressing but it becomes this double-edge sword as you mentioned it become so expensive the people start questioning whether I you know it's even worth it to be in debt for the rest of your life just to get his degree but then if you look at the situation that our economy is in right now a unemployment is much lower when it comes to those people who have college degrees so too soon to ask you on your show to you know for a for advice to ask you should do I go to college you know I do I not go to college you know some students emailed me and they've asked whether or not it's even worth it to make that investment and I do think it's worth it but students need to start looking at student loans differently and they need to look at in education differently the days where you get higher education and you get to study whatever you want just because it interests you you can no longer look at it that way you can go to USC and major in philosophy and think that that's a good investment that's what are the worst investment you will ever make okay you gotta look at what the tuition costs are for certain schools you gotta decide whether or not that major is going to make you money by the time you graduate you have to think a bit as a business investment and I know that that's a really sad thing to think about but it like you don't want to graduate with the philosophy degree at a hundred fifty thousand dollars in debt you're gonna there to lose in the long run you know I in the New York Times article they actually talk to Barack Obama and broke Obama talked about how when he graduated from law school he had about sixty thousand dollars in debt which by the way in today's turns as a bargain okay and he said that his student loan payments each month were more expensive than his mortgage and a lot of students don't want to get caught up in that situation and they shouldn't and a really good way to prevent it is to really do your research ahead of time make sure you know how much a tuition is I went to a state school and I loved it I think I got a great education and it was affordable and I was able to graduate with outstanding loans and I was able to graduate thankfully in a decent job market and I think that some students should really consider less expensive schools even if it's not their first choice just look into it yeah I'm I'm with you on that one too I i'm also from California I think they're lucky in that sense to in california and that we have good public state schools I think the UC system as great up which you know I was a part of two but it's really sad right but you can't go to college in study philosophy in mess around and do what you want and use those years to find yourself and just think anymore everything does have to be a business but you know on 90 you mention the people really need to I'm investigate what they're getting themselves into one of the things that i think is so under-reported in this situation if student loan debt is that these for-profit colleges these kaplan's at me and University of Phoenix schools they go for people they often you know might want night school because they have children they work around their schedule but these people are the ones that are most likely to actually not only have student debt but then to default on their debt as well you're right a for-profit colleges I have been investigated by the federal government a great deal in the past year and it is something that's under reported some glad that you brought it up %uh just to give you an idea love how often students default on their loans after they graduate from for-profit colleges keep in mind that only twelve percent of students go to these institutions that includes University of Phoenix caplin ITT Tech to fry all these for-profit institutions are popping up all over the country only twelve percent of students go to these institutions but you also have to keep in mind that nearly 50 percent all student loan default in the United States are from students who attend these colleges okay so a vast majority majority of them graduate they're unable to find work and they're unable to pay their loans back and keep in mind that a lot love the funds that these colleges get are from taxpayers its federal money that is going into these colleges so they can in turn I give this money to students so they can be able to attend the schools so it's our taxpayer money and I really like the fact that the Obama administration now is attempting to pass something known as the gainful employment act which would basically hold these for profits accountable if students are graduating from these colleges and their unable to find work and their unable to pay their loans well in all the site in the federal government is not going to help them with aid and I think that that's a really important regulation to pass I had everything that's important because that unfortunately you have so much federal money going to these for-profit schools at the same time we see budgets being slashed in states across the board added cuts being taken out from education the places where I think people could really use and I think so much for joining us thank you so much are you currently facing student loan problems then don't wait another minute to see if we can help resolve your federal student loan issues it really is easy as making a 15 minute call find out we can help you consolidate all your federal student loans into one easy payment lower your payments and even in some cases by much as 50 percent lower interest rates yet flexible repayment options stop harassing collection agency calls and administrative garnishment
Description : 'Consolidate My Student Loans - What the banks don't want you to know at dat is something that has in many ways become a constant in...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at